PADS Netlist format example: !PADS-POWERPCB-V3.0-MILS! DESIGN DATABASE ASCII FILE 2.0 *REMARK* Part section has 2 columns: reference designator followed by partnumber *REMARK* a few parts still need actual part numbers from the bom *PART* C1 0603 C2 0603 C30 NACZ_6.3X6.3 D1 B120 D2 1N4148W-7-F DN1 MMBZ27VAL-7-F J2 B4B-PH-SM4-TB J3 52271-3079 L1 HI1812T800R-10 L2 HI1812T800R-10 MH1 MTHOLEB MH2 MTHOLEB Q1 RFD14N05SM9A Q2 MGSF1N02LT1G R1 0603 R2 0603 U1 LQFP-112 U2 IS62WV5128BLL-55HLI U4 MAX811SEUS+T Y1 FOXSDLF/073-20 *REMARK* Net section lists nets, each named in a *SIGNAL* line *REMARK* Lines following the *SIGNAL* line list the net's nodes *REMARK* using the format: ReferenceDesignator.PinNumber *NET* *SIGNAL* +VP L1.2 Q1.4 C35.1 U14.7 C32.1 U13.1 DN1.1 R1.1 U11.1 C30.1 TP129.1 TP124.1 TP128.1 R24.2 C31.1 TP123.1 *SIGNAL* -ASEBRKAK U1.102 TP239.1 *SIGNAL* -ASEMDO U1.33 TP284.1 *SIGNAL* -BUF_PH_LATCH *SIGNAL* 3V3 C1.2 U5.14 C45.1 U6.14 U7.14 U1.21 U1.37 U1.65 U1.80 U1.103 R7.1 C38.1 C19.2 C3.2 U15.2 U15.4 *END*